
Extract data from PDF automatically

Processing PDF documents is a well-known task for the majority of businesses of any scale around the globe and extracting data from those PDFs is a labour-intensive part of it.

PDF is a well known format developed by Adobe and widely used around the globe to prepare documents of any form and any kind.

The problem however relies in the way how those PDF documents are processed. Most of the companies still perform documents processing related tasks in a manual way e.g. data entry. This leads to the increasing operational costs, errors and time loss.

The PDF data extraction provided by ScanDocFlow app allows to extract and recognize any data (value, table data) from any PDF document as well as convert it to any format would it be csv, xls or JSON.

Our API also allows to integrate the data extracted into any software via the API so you can process all your documents automatically.

Please feel free to free test via our ScanDocFlow app